It's funny how many thoughts can run through my head all at the same time. As I type this, I am singing a Jonas Brothers song in my head (believe me, I know), thinking about how far behind on my studies I am, I am worrying about Ashton, I'm missing John, I'm trying to put my thoughts together on what to blog about, I'm thinking about my sweet friend Jamie, etc. I am running down the top position as ADD quarterlies spokes person. (Don't tell, but I think I've got it in the bag)
Amidst all this random thought, I am reflecting on something I heard tonight on an infomercial. Now, before you get started on bashing my infomercial watching, I will admit that I am a closet addict of things sold on TV. I own a shark steamer, a pilates machine, I once owned a gazelle fitness machine, and I have probably the most complete collection of exercise videos known to man. In fact you could probably sell me a cruise to Bolivia if you put it in a TV spot. (btw, Bolivia is land locked) Anyway, there was a testimonial that has really stuck with me. The guy said, "there is nothing you can't do if you
want to do it. It's all in your mind."
Happiness, success, love, friendship, courage, strength...all of these are possible no matter what is happening all around us. It's what is in between the ears that counts. If you think you can't do something...You're right! You are right no matter what you think. If you think that you can't fail...You're right!
Just a little food for though.