Monday, December 7, 2009

Merry Christmas


  1. Merry Christmas to you too!! That red X is very festive :) I'll check back later to find out what it is.

  2. While, I do love a nice red X, I decided to fix it anyway.

  3. I LOVE IT!!!!! Those pictures are great!! I love the sweaters :) SOOOO CUTE!!! Merry Christmas to you too!! LOVE YA!!!

  4. So glad I checked back! SO cute!! Your tree is beautiful and that is a very handsome man you have hiding in there ;) Love that! Would you please tell Ethan to stop growning up...I do not approve!!

  5. oh I forgot to ask...what program did you do this with? I've gotta find me something to do those kind of things

  6. SO good. I did enjoy the red x also but am glad to see the new and improved version. Love your tree. Love your family!!!

  7. So cute! I love it. I feel so lucky to have you for a cousy. You are so creative and talented. What a cute family. I love ya!
