Monday, September 24, 2012

Mama Mia

Moms are the greatest!  I got to spend the afternoon with my mom today.  I love that kind of time.  We have been able to share so much together as adults.  Without sisters, I have relied on my mom for all things girly.  We enjoy going to lunch, getting pedicures, shopping for fabric, and any number of crafty do dads.

Today was the kind of day that we both needed.  She was dealing with some difficult emotional situations, and I was dealing with avoiding house work.

When I dropped her off to her house, we sat in the car for several minutes and just talked.  How wonderful it is to have someone who knows you so well that they can guide you through tough situations and difficult emotions.  I love my mother so much.  She is the reason that I am a mom.  She is my archetype for motherhood.  She is the reason that I sing to my kids to wake them in the morning.  She is the reason that I make breakfast for dinner when everyone is cranky.  She is the reason that the kids get to sleep on the couch with a bottle of Sprite when they are sick.  She is the reason that we pray every night.  She is the reason that I first loved the Savior.

Thank you mom.  I wouldn't be me without you.

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